By the grace, mercy and love of God, we worship and praise our Almighty God, who continues to walk with us even through trying times. His love for us is never ending no matter what comes our way.
Everything it seems has gone up in price except salvation. It is still a free gift of God, paid for in full by Jesus!
Anyone unable to attend live Worship Services may view these services on this website by simply clicking on the sermons tab above and click on the drop-down arrow. If you are viewing the service live, click on the live-stream option and if viewing it at a later time, click on the sermons option.
Messiah Lutheran Church
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Service Times
Sunday Worship Service 9:00 AM
Fellowship 10:00 AM
Sunday School 10:15 AM
Adult Bible Study 10:15 AM
Adult Bible Study Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM. and Thursday mornings at 10:00 AM